Apang Manav Mandal – An NGO working for Physical Handicap People

Apang Manav Mandal is a Non Government Organization working for the handicap people who are physically disable. They are not likely to do something themselves. This foundation is serving these people since last 52 year. It was found in 1958 and help them to re-settle. It provides Education, Training, Medical Treatment, Walkers and Tricycles to the handicaps.

The organization has a school for the handicap children where they can study from standard 1 to 10. This organization is working to improve the education standards of those special students. There is a high tech laboratory where every year 60-70 handicap students get knowledge as well as get training of personality development and become confident to talk in English with others. Computer is taught in this institute from standard fifth so that those students are able to stand with new generation.

NGO doesn’t only work about the study of handicaps but there is a hostel in its campus where more than 400 handicap boys and girls leave. People from the all the cities and villages of Gujarat come and leave here to get a bright future. Some professional training is also being given by this foundation. This organization provides opportunities to all the students equally as per their wishes. It have tailoring, printing press and composing and some computer professional courses for boys and fashion designing, garment making, home science and soft toy making courses for girls. It also gives stipend to their trainees.
Recently we have modernized our printing press. Earlier we were using the old machinery in which there is not possible to work for some kind of handicaps. So with the help of Mr. R.B. Raval , Mr. Shreyash Pandya, Mr. K.S. Kaji, Mr. Mukesh Patel and other committee members, we reconstruct our printing press with new offset machines, Cutting machines and Plate making department. Mr. Shreyash has donated 7.5 laces (0.75 million) to provide new technology to the press. Today there are many handicaps getting modern technology training of plate making, offset machines, screen printing and book binding.

Apang Manav Mandal works for the health of these people as well. There is physiotherapy center to provide immediate medical treatments too. It also provides vaccination of hepatitis-B, M.M.R, and typhoid for the people living in there hostel. There is an indoor and outdoor physical health center, pediatric center, spastic learning center, day-care center and speech therapy center which help people at no cost.

It is a government approved organization getting 100% grant from the government. Donation given to our foundation is 50% tax free according to rule 80G and 100% tax free according to rule 35AC. We have started our initiation to give handicaps good facilities to grow up and a bright future. All who are interested in our social service can help and contact us to donate maximum to the people who are handicap by their destiny. It is our pleasure hear you.

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