Fashion Designing Activities

Smt Kalindi Kaji Fashion and Apparel Design Training Centre:-

Skill training was imparted to 8 boys and 20 girls on latest sewing machines. These disabled boys and girls were trained in cutting, dress designing and other articles. We have registered a Trade mark –“Purna” for the work. It is to be noted that “Fab India”, “Bandhej”, “Aura Herbal”, “Morale Fiber” had placed good orders to encourage us. Exhibition-cum-sale was carried out successfully. Disabled boys and girls were getting employment and income from this centre.

Shri Madanmohan Ramanlal Fashion & Apparel Design Training centre:-

Looking to the success of fashion & Apparel centre for girl a donor came forward to start such training centre for disabled boys at our Vastrapur hostel. Within limited time period we started


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