Gujarat Minerals development Corporation

GMDC has the concept of cultivating a culture of building good relations with the community where it operates mining operations. The Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) initiated by GMDC is marked by its existence with formulation and in building with the objectives of the Company. C.S.R. is an organization’s obligation to consider the interest of customers, employees, shareholders, communities and the ecology. In the present context the CSR has to earnestly consider obligations as a responsible corporate entity to the cause of society at large by taking up activities that contribute to promotion of social harmony, increasing opportunities to socially and economically disadvantaged sections of society and to the mitigation of environmental degradation.

Gujarat minerals development corporation donated Hydrogenic Lift for girl’s hostel to Apang Manav Mandal worth Rs. 8,22,000/-.
It is to be noted that Ms. Darshita Babubhai Shah Hon. Officer on Special Duty represented A.M.M. to G.M.D.C Ltd. as a Project Co-Ordinator.